Incredible meaning of sexual dreams, forget Freud!

           With subtitles in English


Things have changed a lot since Freud's time. This funny video will open surprising horizons into the actual meaning of some of your shaming sexual dreams. 

Go see my book: The Meaning of Dreams (ebook or print) to learn alla you want to know  about your dreams.


Hi everybody!  Today’s video is about a very special theme, hot enough, since it is about sex in dreams. So sex in dreams, then, if we refer to Freud. We realize that in fact, for Freud, everything was sexual. A lock, putting a key in a lock, it's making love. A bird that flies away is the same, it relates to sex. A door that opens, the fact of going up and down stairs can relate to sex. It was like that for Freud, but it was at the time of Freud. In our era, things have much changed and when we work with people on dreams, we realize that many have sexual dreams very frequently and that they are explicit. One day, a young woman with whom I was doing a work on dreams told me... She told me, "Look before we start, I must warn you. In my dreams, I have sex with everybody: with my boss, with my colleagues, men women of all ages. And it's always like that! 

She made me smile and I explained: "Listen, there's no problem, since in fact, nowadays it is the opposite of Freud's time, where small symbols were interpreted as sexual acts. Instead, now our dreams show explicit sexual acts in order to mean something else than sex. In your case, it is very normal that in your dreams you make love with all the persons working with you. Since What is it sex? Sex is above all an exchange of energy, of information. So when we work with people, it is very common to dream that we have sex with them... Especially when the cooperation is going very well. But finally, it has nothing to do about actual sexual intercourses." 

Besides, I have a friend I've known for a long long time. And through my work on dreams and reality, I understood that when I dream that I have sex with him, with all the details of the action, well it's simply because he will call me to ask me a hand to improve an article, write something. There you go! And I'll tell you, I never talked to him about that not to shock him because this friend is gay. He would be really horrified to know that in dreams we make love and we did often, more than once! So do not worry if you have sex even incestuous, even a little disturbing into your dreams, often it has nothing to do with sex and it's just about mixing energy. Because in fact, we are primarily bodies of energy. In our Western world, much emphasis is placed on the material aspect of life, that is to say on the physical body. But in the dream, and even in reality, we are also energy bodies. So when you have sex in reality it is also a way to mix information. And besides, we can make a lot of interesting experiences in our dreams about the information that we exchange when we have sex. But that is another story and maybe, maybe I will speak to you about it in another video ...! Goodbye, thank you for listening and see you soon !

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