Naked in your dreams and ashamed of it, meaning


Going around naked in your dreams and being ashamed, meaning

Almost everyone had this kind of dream ... without really understanding it, even with the help of a dreams dictionary. With this video you will finally have the clear explanation of this phenomenon and you will learn to manage it much better. Enjoy and share!



Hi everybody! Tonight it's a special video about nudity in dreams.

Well, I asked people around me to volunteer to appear naked in the video, especially in the background for the scenery. But nobody accepted. So I was forced to strip a little for the thumbnail. Well, if you stay until the end of the video maybe you will see me o other people naked. There may be some extras! We never know.

So nudity in dreams, how is it generally interpreted?

Well most of the time, it is interpreted with a psychological approach. And this approach can be often right. When we go naked in dreams among people who are dressed.

Well, it simply means that we show ourselves the way we are. We do not wear masks, we present ourselves as we are. This is why, in France we say that "Truth is naked." So, in dreams, you can see for example a member of your family who is naked among all the other members who are dressed.

This kind of dreams gives you some information on the sincerity of a this family member. But hey, be careful for your interpretation, because sometimes you can yourself appear as someone else. This is because you have something in common with that person.

So this was for the usual interpretations of nudity in dreams. But, there is an alternative interpretation that is also accurate very often.

In order to understand it, we need to remember that we all have a "dream twin" or dream body.

So, all those who have not seen the videos on the "dream twin’ should go see them because they are complementary to this video.

We all have a "dream twin" that at night goes out of our body and goes about it'itss affairs in the dream world. Our "dream twin" is a body of Energy.

And when it goes out of the physical body, it does not care about being naked. It won't bother to appear wearing your pajamas your sheets or your clothing to go about its business in the astral world.

In the astral world, the physical appearance does not matter. What matters most in the astral world is energy. Because energy in the astral world, is actually the "exchange currency".

That's another story and I will speak about this aspect of dreams in other videos.

So, why does it happen that sometimes we are ashamed in dreams because we are naked, while for the "dream twin", it does not matter.

This is normal for the dream body, and quite natural.

What happens is that sometimes, the dream twin goes out, naked as usually and we still retain some of the waking life consciousness and it is therefore this consciousness we use in our waking life that creates this feeling of shame and creates dreams where we are ashamed to go around naked, for example because this consciousness realizes that we are naked in a context that would be entirely unappropriated in the waking life.

Well, now you know that it is quite natural for your dream twin to go around naked in your dreams.

You will no longer need to be ashamed, even if you keep some of your waking life consciousness when you dream.

Knowing that, you will no longer be ashamed in your dreams. and maybe in your reality. It is up to you!

Thank you for listening , and see you very soon for other exciting videos on dreams.

If you want to understand your dreams, and their links with your reality and learn to use your dream time to improve your waking life, you can read my book : The Meaning of Dreams.

naked ana mancini

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